Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is there a new Lauryn Hill Album coming???

Whilst casually looking round the internets I stumbled upon an interview with Lauryn Hill. You can read the whole thing yourself but she said one thing that really stuck out to me was this quote here...

"I'm trying to open up my range and really sing more. With The Fugees initially, and even with Miseducation, it was very hip-hop — always singing over beats. I don't think people have really heard me sing out. So if I do record again, perhaps it will have an expanded context. Where people can hear a bit more."

The part of this that's got me kind of excited is this here "I don't think people have really heard me sing out." Now going off what she's already recorded and what I heard (from outside) at Raggamuffin, Lauryn Hills singing voice is truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Full on shivers up the spine. So can you imagine what the new L-Boogie would sound like when she starts to really sing out?

BUT... there is a part of that quote that sucks, and gets me to thinking that the world may never hear her sing out is one word, and that is the word: IF. If tells me that she hasn't actually gone into a studio yet and if implies that she might not.. So while there is no words to describe how awesome some new music from Lauryn Hill would be, I wouldn't count on it coming any time soon. Dude if I was 6 foot 6 than I'd be able to dunk a basketball no doubt But im not, and I can't.

Yet IF is probably the most cup-half-full-cup-half-empty word there is. Because if she does go back into the stu', and if she does record some new music, than she's probably going to change the whole music game like its august 98' again. So I'm fully hoping for the cup-half-full IF, I'm hoping that she starts writing music again, that she can work with a producer who brings out the best in her, and that she brings back some soul into the musical landscape.

I wouldn't count on it though


Anyways here's a random collection of thought...

I know he plays an over-exaggerated version of himself, but Diddy is HILARIOUS in Get Him To The Greek... I just got a laptop and a really expensive camera, and I'm getting a car soon so I'm about to be really, really, really broke... Honestly not having Sky or Freeview fully leaves you in a wasteland if you want to watch some sport... oh yeah, I'm getting a written warning at work, no biggie... If the ref gave that goal to England it really would have changed the whole shape of the game. It would have been two all at the start of the second half n it would have meant the Germans would have played a less attacking game. But eventually England still would have choked and lost... ANKLE WATCH 2010! Update, I can walk pretty much normal now and I should be able to skate by the end of the weekend... LeBron James going to Chicago would be good, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade going to Chicago (Dwade's hometown) would be EPIC... speaking of Lebron and Dwyane Wade, I now Know what Jay-Z meant when he said " If Jeezys payin Lebron I'm payin Dwyane Wade" in Empire State of Mind. And there's no way he's payin Dwyane Wade...Carlos Teves was fully off side for his first goal against Mexico, and he could have just left it because it was probably gonna go in anyways, and than Messi would have got the goal...i really love that "starry eyed" song, I don't know why, I just do... one more thing about Lauryn Hill, I think Kanye should produce her comeback, he might be a full on egomaniac, and he might not always make sense in his raps, but when it comes to producing great music he's pretty close to brilliant... Nike kinda failed with the people they put in they're add campaign for the world cup. Ivory Coasts Drogba got one goal and knocked out in the first round, Italian captain, Fabio Cannavaro, gifted Shane Smeltz a goal before he got sent home, the French had a meltdown so Ribery didn't make the second round, and Rooney will probably end up living in a trailer when he gets back to England. The only player left from the ad is Cristiano Ronaldo, who is probably going to get knocked out by Spain tomorrow morning... All Blacks? Meh... after the FIFA World Cup is all done it'll be like a two month wait till the FIBA Basketball World Champs starts, Awesome... yeah I was into her but I'm fully watevas now...is going to get all of Quentin Tarantinos films on DVD, I just got Kill Bill 1 and 2...

Anyways im going to have a shower and a shave, which is kinda gutting coz my beard was developing quite sweetingly. Thank you for reading this if you read it all, I truly appreciate it.

Stay Black




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