Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So I’ve been kinda puttin off writing this first thing because I didn’t want it to be wack pretty much. Not like I was expecting a masterpiece or nothing, but you gotta open strong ya know. And then i just thought stuff it haha.

Heres my thoughts on stuff that I know not really that much about... enjoy

NBA FINALS 2010... Lakers Vs Celtics

Today the Lakers won game 6 to force a do-or-die game seven so on Friday this this series will come to an end and either the Lakers get their 13th banner or the Celtics get number 18. Now even though i call them green pricks and smile when they fail, i wouldn’t actually be that mad if the Celtics won. They are a really good team specifically built to win chips, who play the game in a really effecient and disciplined way, and have Ubuntu in truckloads (google ubuntu some time). Fully congrats to Jesus, Truth and Mr ANYTHING-IS-POSSIBLE. But i really would rather see Kobe get his revenge.

Because if Kobe Can get that fifth ring, than the entire hoops universe can no longer deny what has been pretty obvious for a very long time (or at least since a special trip to Canada). That Kobe is top 10 all time. Put aside the deameanor that seems to rub people the wrong way, the perceived arrogance or what may have happened in that hotel in Colorado and just appreciate the game (never gonna happen i know, but please try). Okay M. J is the G.O.A.T, of that their is no doubt, at this stage his legacy is Pele or Ali like and there is basically nothing that anyone can do to shake his hold on the top spot. But if Kobe gets a fifth ring than he goes a step up the ladder and a little bit closer to the god of the game. And at his age of 32 he, would than still have time to go on and match Michaels 6 rings and even go on and than, and this is truly a pipe dream and just me imagining crazy things, get a seventh.

Just the thought of someone being crazy enough to threaten Mikes strangle hold on GOAT status is exciting. Way more exciting, way more historic, way more epic than another green banner in a training room full of green banners. Boring. By wanting a celtics win you aspire to averageness, you don’t want the boat to be rocked and your happy for things to go unchallenged. Screw that dude, a Lakers win changes everything, and yet also continues the great battle between the greens and the purple -n-golds.

i was gonna write more but its 130 in the morning, so peace out and thanks reading what i have to say...

stay black, peace and love ,

Razilla Tha Beast

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