Sunday, August 29, 2010


This is the monady Monday Mash-up

I'm gonna make this short because it's sunny today so I'm gonna go ride my skatingboard, but from now on I'm gonna try and do a post every Monday called the Monday mash-up. If you've read my blog before than you should know what the drill is, it's basically just random stuff that has been floating around in my head. Anyways here goes

I would climb the highest mountain for Jay-z tickets...There is not one bit of coverage of the FIBA world basketball champs on free to air TV, no highlights show or nothing... had a mint skate on Saturday, was dope coz I got like three new tricks, stoked... B.O.B., Autotune, look it up... what exactly do social workers do?... You Know, You Know was one of the best songs that Drake recoded for his album and it didn't even make Thank Me Later... people in the hoops universe (well mostly Cleveland) are still mad at LeBron about The Decision, seriously get over it... Sonny Bill Williams will not be playing at the World Cup next year, should have just stayed with what you were phenomenally good at, which was rugby league... I would race a Cheetah for Jay-Z tickets... I don't think there will ever be a funnier movie made than Anchorman, I just can't see how it can be done... Kanye's new album is gonna be FIRE... I'm enjoying the relative silence from the Miley Cyrus's and Paris Hiltons of this world... I really want to go down to Wellys at some point to watch a Phoenix game... I would swallow a whole sword for Jay-Z tickets... really hates shaving, I hate both the process of shaving and being clean shaven, if I didn't have to than I probably wouldn't... Al Green, How Can You Mend A Heart That Is Broken, look it up... wether it be called L.U.P.end, Lasers or Food and Liquor Part 2, when Lupe Fiasco drops his new album its gonna be some next level genius shit... I fully support the wholesale ban of the word Shorty, and that includes Shortie, Shawty or any other spelling variation, fact is we just don't need to hear this word anymore...If you can get a girl on your side, girls make infinitely better wingmen than dudes do... I would defeat a superhero for Jay-Z tickets... I would give another man a foot massage for Jay-Z tickets... I would swim in lake Rotorua for Jay-Z tickets... ewww nah, that I wouldn't do...


Peace everybody

Stay Black

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