Friday, October 15, 2010

Monday Mash-up on a Friday

THIIIIIS IS HOW YOU BLOOOOOOG IT (to the tune of Montel Jordans This Is How We Do It)

Uuum so its been a while and I know that by the time you get to reading this it will no longer be Monday, but hey I’m sure your bearly concerned whoever you happen to be reading this...but a couple things before I get to mashin.

So I’m kinda sorta getting a promotion sorta thingy at the shop... Its hard to explain but the way it breaks down is that I have more responsibility, more work to do, and more pressure to get things done (and like a billion more chances to screw things up lol)but with the same pay. I’m kinda like the 2IC except that theres me and one of the girls that are sharing the role, so I don’t get a sweet title. But either way I’m fully tryna take advantage of a sweet opportunity that was created entirely by me being a really good hard worker and asset to the company and all that good stuff (actually the chick who was doing it is about to have a baby lol).. like Boy, I apparently have some potential

Also, it’s still the early days of daylight savings and already had a couple mint skates till 8ish before it got dark... there’s plenty more of thems to come this summer I’m sure and I can’t wait, bring on too hot for t-shirts skates, everyone parked up under the tree for shade skates, homies finishing work and coming to the park skates, random roadies n hitting up spots while the businesses that operate their are closed up for the holidays skates... I EFFIN LOVE SUMMER!!!

But watevas to that, heres some sausage, and some veg and some Mash

Damn I wish I could speak Spanish...I seriously think I'm going to jizz in my pants in the intro of every single Jay-Z song when he plays in Auckland. Okay maybe thats an exaggeration. Probably just every song that he does off Reasonable Doubt, The Blueprint, and the Black Album, which is like two thirds of the whole set... if the people who run sports really wanted to get interest up in their sports, than they should switch uniforms for costumes. How much more amazing would the NRL Grand Finals have been if the two teams played in costume, dressed as the animals/mythical creatures (Roosters vs Dragons) that they are named after... I was supposed to go to bed early tonight, guess not... If you had a chance to go see Scott Pilgrimm VS the World, and didn’t take that chance, your loss dude. Totally your loss... damn I wish I could speak Italiano, BOPPITTY BOOOPITITTY!!!... I put my Physical Graffiti and 3 Feet High and Rising records up on my bedroom wall the other day. Which makes my room way awesomer than it was a week ago... man I wish I could sample and make beats super good... NBA training camps and stuff started last Wednesday, OMG I can’t wait for the NBA season to start again... Tina Fey is one of many woman that destroy the theory that chicks can’t be good looking and also funny, she has leading lady good looks and she used to be a writer for Saturday Night Live... Damn I want to learn how to speak Japanese... there has been times when I thought that I had found a new love, but I always end up coming back to basketball, despite the best efforts of football... Sean is making yawning/elephant sounds in the lounge lol, those couches are obscenely difficult to get off of... Aubrey Plaza is another actress who is equal parts funny/pretty, she is one of many fantastic side characters in Scott Pilgrimm VS the World, and is half Puerto Rican, and the other half is irrelevant when a girl is half Puerto Rican... really wants to watch Birds, Psycho and Vertigo because Alfred Hitchcock is apparently a genius and I feel like I might be missing out... “Cool is the enemy of funny. You can’t be cool and be funny at the same time. Only Eddie Murphy could do that.”- Tracy Morgan... Unless you are a spaceman, superhero or dinosaur than you probably haven’t grown up to be what you wanted to be when you were seven... Paul Henry used to be part of the National political party, doesn’t really surprise me that much. Douche of the year... Barcelona might be fourth on the table at the moment but I bet that they’ll play in the La Liga final (*crosses his fingers and hopes it’s against Real Madrid*)... damn someone remind me that I gotta mow the lawns... woke up the other morning with Taylor Swift stuck in my head, the day before that was Adam Lambert and the day before that was that buttheap of a Zooey song. Listening to top 40 radio is fully the hardest part of my job... wishes that I could speak full on English English knowa’amean, than I’d know what they’re talking bout on Jeremy Kyle...I saw that Winston Read goal against Slovakia again tonight and it still sends shivers up my spine...thanks Wellington for giving us Trinity Roots and Fat Freddys and all the other amazing music you’ve given us over the years...Seriously if you don’t know who Aziz Ansarri is you are totally missing out, look him up on youtube ASAP...I think I'm’a change the name of this joint to Monthly Mash-up...Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen To Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson.

Stay Black

Razilla Tha Beast

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