Thursday, October 28, 2010


So in the tradition of PIE WATCH 09 and some other things of that nature that I started and stuck with for like a month and then got over it, I would proudly like to announce the official beginning of...


This weekend just gone I brought two pairs of shoes in three days. Now while I don't think that thats necessarily a bad thing, it was expensive. And when you're supposed to be saving up money for a car or a holiday or just to get some cool stuff, it's kinda hard to justify.

So pretty much the rules of GET RAZILLA A CARZILLA 2010 are that I can't buy any new shoes until I get myself a car. Its retarded I know but I came up with this brilliant idea while I was in the shower so, ya know, its not like I really really dug deep to do some real soul searching. It just popped in my head while I was scrubbing the junk and I thought I'd give it a go.

But in the sobering light of not- the-bathroom I think this is proli a pretty good way for me to motivate myself into having some discipline and self-control and save up enough De Niros to get me a car, because even sweet sneakers can't erase the memory of two special needs people making out at the bus stop.

I spend like half my day at work just staring at all the shoes on the shoe wall just fiending for a new pair so I think I'll constantly be reminded/teased into remembering that I have to save money until I get that car.

Or maybe I could just use "the secret" lol

Also donations can be made to the GET RAZILLA A CARZILLA 2010 foundation. This is a not-for profit charitable foundation that helps people that are useless as at saving money to reach they financial goals in life. Donations can be put into this account number here lol 011193-0077745-30.

Neways I'll keep yalls updated on how GET RAZILLA A CARZILLA 2010 is progressing when there is some progress. But till then




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