Thursday, October 28, 2010


So in the tradition of PIE WATCH 09 and some other things of that nature that I started and stuck with for like a month and then got over it, I would proudly like to announce the official beginning of...


This weekend just gone I brought two pairs of shoes in three days. Now while I don't think that thats necessarily a bad thing, it was expensive. And when you're supposed to be saving up money for a car or a holiday or just to get some cool stuff, it's kinda hard to justify.

So pretty much the rules of GET RAZILLA A CARZILLA 2010 are that I can't buy any new shoes until I get myself a car. Its retarded I know but I came up with this brilliant idea while I was in the shower so, ya know, its not like I really really dug deep to do some real soul searching. It just popped in my head while I was scrubbing the junk and I thought I'd give it a go.

But in the sobering light of not- the-bathroom I think this is proli a pretty good way for me to motivate myself into having some discipline and self-control and save up enough De Niros to get me a car, because even sweet sneakers can't erase the memory of two special needs people making out at the bus stop.

I spend like half my day at work just staring at all the shoes on the shoe wall just fiending for a new pair so I think I'll constantly be reminded/teased into remembering that I have to save money until I get that car.

Or maybe I could just use "the secret" lol

Also donations can be made to the GET RAZILLA A CARZILLA 2010 foundation. This is a not-for profit charitable foundation that helps people that are useless as at saving money to reach they financial goals in life. Donations can be put into this account number here lol 011193-0077745-30.

Neways I'll keep yalls updated on how GET RAZILLA A CARZILLA 2010 is progressing when there is some progress. But till then




Friday, October 15, 2010

Monday Mash-up on a Friday

THIIIIIS IS HOW YOU BLOOOOOOG IT (to the tune of Montel Jordans This Is How We Do It)

Uuum so its been a while and I know that by the time you get to reading this it will no longer be Monday, but hey I’m sure your bearly concerned whoever you happen to be reading this...but a couple things before I get to mashin.

So I’m kinda sorta getting a promotion sorta thingy at the shop... Its hard to explain but the way it breaks down is that I have more responsibility, more work to do, and more pressure to get things done (and like a billion more chances to screw things up lol)but with the same pay. I’m kinda like the 2IC except that theres me and one of the girls that are sharing the role, so I don’t get a sweet title. But either way I’m fully tryna take advantage of a sweet opportunity that was created entirely by me being a really good hard worker and asset to the company and all that good stuff (actually the chick who was doing it is about to have a baby lol).. like Boy, I apparently have some potential

Also, it’s still the early days of daylight savings and already had a couple mint skates till 8ish before it got dark... there’s plenty more of thems to come this summer I’m sure and I can’t wait, bring on too hot for t-shirts skates, everyone parked up under the tree for shade skates, homies finishing work and coming to the park skates, random roadies n hitting up spots while the businesses that operate their are closed up for the holidays skates... I EFFIN LOVE SUMMER!!!

But watevas to that, heres some sausage, and some veg and some Mash

Damn I wish I could speak Spanish...I seriously think I'm going to jizz in my pants in the intro of every single Jay-Z song when he plays in Auckland. Okay maybe thats an exaggeration. Probably just every song that he does off Reasonable Doubt, The Blueprint, and the Black Album, which is like two thirds of the whole set... if the people who run sports really wanted to get interest up in their sports, than they should switch uniforms for costumes. How much more amazing would the NRL Grand Finals have been if the two teams played in costume, dressed as the animals/mythical creatures (Roosters vs Dragons) that they are named after... I was supposed to go to bed early tonight, guess not... If you had a chance to go see Scott Pilgrimm VS the World, and didn’t take that chance, your loss dude. Totally your loss... damn I wish I could speak Italiano, BOPPITTY BOOOPITITTY!!!... I put my Physical Graffiti and 3 Feet High and Rising records up on my bedroom wall the other day. Which makes my room way awesomer than it was a week ago... man I wish I could sample and make beats super good... NBA training camps and stuff started last Wednesday, OMG I can’t wait for the NBA season to start again... Tina Fey is one of many woman that destroy the theory that chicks can’t be good looking and also funny, she has leading lady good looks and she used to be a writer for Saturday Night Live... Damn I want to learn how to speak Japanese... there has been times when I thought that I had found a new love, but I always end up coming back to basketball, despite the best efforts of football... Sean is making yawning/elephant sounds in the lounge lol, those couches are obscenely difficult to get off of... Aubrey Plaza is another actress who is equal parts funny/pretty, she is one of many fantastic side characters in Scott Pilgrimm VS the World, and is half Puerto Rican, and the other half is irrelevant when a girl is half Puerto Rican... really wants to watch Birds, Psycho and Vertigo because Alfred Hitchcock is apparently a genius and I feel like I might be missing out... “Cool is the enemy of funny. You can’t be cool and be funny at the same time. Only Eddie Murphy could do that.”- Tracy Morgan... Unless you are a spaceman, superhero or dinosaur than you probably haven’t grown up to be what you wanted to be when you were seven... Paul Henry used to be part of the National political party, doesn’t really surprise me that much. Douche of the year... Barcelona might be fourth on the table at the moment but I bet that they’ll play in the La Liga final (*crosses his fingers and hopes it’s against Real Madrid*)... damn someone remind me that I gotta mow the lawns... woke up the other morning with Taylor Swift stuck in my head, the day before that was Adam Lambert and the day before that was that buttheap of a Zooey song. Listening to top 40 radio is fully the hardest part of my job... wishes that I could speak full on English English knowa’amean, than I’d know what they’re talking bout on Jeremy Kyle...I saw that Winston Read goal against Slovakia again tonight and it still sends shivers up my spine...thanks Wellington for giving us Trinity Roots and Fat Freddys and all the other amazing music you’ve given us over the years...Seriously if you don’t know who Aziz Ansarri is you are totally missing out, look him up on youtube ASAP...I think I'm’a change the name of this joint to Monthly Mash-up...Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen To Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson... Listen to Robert Johnson.

Stay Black

Razilla Tha Beast

Sunday, August 29, 2010


This is the monady Monday Mash-up

I'm gonna make this short because it's sunny today so I'm gonna go ride my skatingboard, but from now on I'm gonna try and do a post every Monday called the Monday mash-up. If you've read my blog before than you should know what the drill is, it's basically just random stuff that has been floating around in my head. Anyways here goes

I would climb the highest mountain for Jay-z tickets...There is not one bit of coverage of the FIBA world basketball champs on free to air TV, no highlights show or nothing... had a mint skate on Saturday, was dope coz I got like three new tricks, stoked... B.O.B., Autotune, look it up... what exactly do social workers do?... You Know, You Know was one of the best songs that Drake recoded for his album and it didn't even make Thank Me Later... people in the hoops universe (well mostly Cleveland) are still mad at LeBron about The Decision, seriously get over it... Sonny Bill Williams will not be playing at the World Cup next year, should have just stayed with what you were phenomenally good at, which was rugby league... I would race a Cheetah for Jay-Z tickets... I don't think there will ever be a funnier movie made than Anchorman, I just can't see how it can be done... Kanye's new album is gonna be FIRE... I'm enjoying the relative silence from the Miley Cyrus's and Paris Hiltons of this world... I really want to go down to Wellys at some point to watch a Phoenix game... I would swallow a whole sword for Jay-Z tickets... really hates shaving, I hate both the process of shaving and being clean shaven, if I didn't have to than I probably wouldn't... Al Green, How Can You Mend A Heart That Is Broken, look it up... wether it be called L.U.P.end, Lasers or Food and Liquor Part 2, when Lupe Fiasco drops his new album its gonna be some next level genius shit... I fully support the wholesale ban of the word Shorty, and that includes Shortie, Shawty or any other spelling variation, fact is we just don't need to hear this word anymore...If you can get a girl on your side, girls make infinitely better wingmen than dudes do... I would defeat a superhero for Jay-Z tickets... I would give another man a foot massage for Jay-Z tickets... I would swim in lake Rotorua for Jay-Z tickets... ewww nah, that I wouldn't do...


Peace everybody

Stay Black

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Favourite Feats


This is me basically writing for the sake of writing... I had an idea and so I'm running with it.

There are very few things in hip-hop that are as hip-hop as a guest verse. I don't know who did it first and I would almost bet money to say that whatever that person spit was proli wack. But at some point the feature become the development league of rap. 99% of rappers got they first bit of radio-play from a guest verse they did on a more established artist's song. So here is a list of my favourite guest verses in no particular order, just as they pop into my head.


Jay-Z on Beyonces Crazy In love-YouTube link

Jay-Z is so good at them and has so many sick features that I could probably do an entire list of Jay-Z's best guest verses (I proli will sometime) but this one is the one that really stands out as the sickest to me. This is a perfect example of the magic that happens when Hov gets on a beat with horns... no-one rides a beat with horns better than Young Hov. There is very few that would be able to ride those drums at all and dude gets all up in this beat like he do Beyonce. And even though the word became super overused and played out, I think this is where rap learned what swagger was.


Nas on Jadakiss' Why Remix Feat. Nas, Common and Styles P- YouTube Link

There is a reason why a lot of rappers won't put Nas on their songs: because he WILL murder you on your own joint. This verse is like a perfectly little window into all the things that make Nas possibly the G.O.A.T., his flow is loose and doesn't seem like it should be in the groove and yet it somehow is and his ability to sound like the wisest, most intelligent dude and yet simultaneously the most grimiest hood nigga. His verse was so good that he was the only one who got the call up for what was basically part 2 in 'What If' (which would have been the other Nas verse I would have put on this list if I didn't roll this one). Common also does his thang and kills on this joint too and it would be sick to hear Common and Nas on more songs together.


Con-Psy on Scribes Not Many Remix feat. Con-Psy and Savage- YouTube link

This verse isn't here just for the sake of having something Kiwi, but because I actually think that this verse is incredibly sick. It's crazy to think how huge this song was back when it dropped, but if Con-Psy didn't completely kill it than I doubt very much that he would have developed into the artist that we now know as David Dallas. Even though what he was doing with Frontline at the time was dope, even despite all his obvious skill with words and flows, would anybody outside of Papakura have ever have heard anything from this kid if he didn't take his opportunity to get on a sick P-Money beat?. This is the perfect example of the power a dope guest spot can have on an entire career, but like he said "if you get me started kid your gonna see a consequence"


Eminem on Jay-Z's Renegades- YouTube Link

To even get on the same song as Jay-Z you have to be pretty special. But to actually murder him on his own joint??? Unheard of. Until Eminem did it on Renegades. Eminem did have an obvious advantage over Jigga on this song because he made the dark, moody synth-based beat for himself and wrote the hook for himself, before Jay had ever heard it. And its not like Jay didn't do work on this song. In all honesty its some of his most thoughtful and insightful words, and as he says "gives you the clips of the news wit a twist of just his ghetto point of view"... but its the way Em gets all inside this moody beats and just rides its subtleties perfectly that makes his verse just that little bit more engaging. Kanye came close on "Run This Town" but I think the only person to out-rap Jay on his own song is Eminem on Renegades.


Ludacris on Ushers Yeah feat. Lil John and Ludacris- YouTube link

Ludacris is damn near the king of guest verses. Maybe its just me but I always love it when luda pops up on a song.Almost every song that he gets on, Ludas 10-20 seconds of that song are the best parts of that song. He does it on the 'So Hood remix', on 'Oh' with Ciara and damn near made Justin Bieber tolerable with a stellar guest spot. But as far as scene stealing highlights go his verse on 'Yeah' takes the number one spot. This was the verse that gave us awesome quotables like "a lady street but a freak in da bed" and of course "RIDICULOOOOOOOOOOUS". Awesome guest verses are both Ludacris' gift and curse though, making his solo stuff seem just not as exciting in some way.


Honourable mention of dope guest spots go to: Busta Rhymes on Scenarios, T.I on My love, Lil' Wayne on Brown Paper Bag, Kanye West on Put On, Lupe Fiasco on Touch The Sky and everybody on the Get By Remix

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Is there a new Lauryn Hill Album coming???

Whilst casually looking round the internets I stumbled upon an interview with Lauryn Hill. You can read the whole thing yourself but she said one thing that really stuck out to me was this quote here...

"I'm trying to open up my range and really sing more. With The Fugees initially, and even with Miseducation, it was very hip-hop — always singing over beats. I don't think people have really heard me sing out. So if I do record again, perhaps it will have an expanded context. Where people can hear a bit more."

The part of this that's got me kind of excited is this here "I don't think people have really heard me sing out." Now going off what she's already recorded and what I heard (from outside) at Raggamuffin, Lauryn Hills singing voice is truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Full on shivers up the spine. So can you imagine what the new L-Boogie would sound like when she starts to really sing out?

BUT... there is a part of that quote that sucks, and gets me to thinking that the world may never hear her sing out is one word, and that is the word: IF. If tells me that she hasn't actually gone into a studio yet and if implies that she might not.. So while there is no words to describe how awesome some new music from Lauryn Hill would be, I wouldn't count on it coming any time soon. Dude if I was 6 foot 6 than I'd be able to dunk a basketball no doubt But im not, and I can't.

Yet IF is probably the most cup-half-full-cup-half-empty word there is. Because if she does go back into the stu', and if she does record some new music, than she's probably going to change the whole music game like its august 98' again. So I'm fully hoping for the cup-half-full IF, I'm hoping that she starts writing music again, that she can work with a producer who brings out the best in her, and that she brings back some soul into the musical landscape.

I wouldn't count on it though


Anyways here's a random collection of thought...

I know he plays an over-exaggerated version of himself, but Diddy is HILARIOUS in Get Him To The Greek... I just got a laptop and a really expensive camera, and I'm getting a car soon so I'm about to be really, really, really broke... Honestly not having Sky or Freeview fully leaves you in a wasteland if you want to watch some sport... oh yeah, I'm getting a written warning at work, no biggie... If the ref gave that goal to England it really would have changed the whole shape of the game. It would have been two all at the start of the second half n it would have meant the Germans would have played a less attacking game. But eventually England still would have choked and lost... ANKLE WATCH 2010! Update, I can walk pretty much normal now and I should be able to skate by the end of the weekend... LeBron James going to Chicago would be good, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade going to Chicago (Dwade's hometown) would be EPIC... speaking of Lebron and Dwyane Wade, I now Know what Jay-Z meant when he said " If Jeezys payin Lebron I'm payin Dwyane Wade" in Empire State of Mind. And there's no way he's payin Dwyane Wade...Carlos Teves was fully off side for his first goal against Mexico, and he could have just left it because it was probably gonna go in anyways, and than Messi would have got the goal...i really love that "starry eyed" song, I don't know why, I just do... one more thing about Lauryn Hill, I think Kanye should produce her comeback, he might be a full on egomaniac, and he might not always make sense in his raps, but when it comes to producing great music he's pretty close to brilliant... Nike kinda failed with the people they put in they're add campaign for the world cup. Ivory Coasts Drogba got one goal and knocked out in the first round, Italian captain, Fabio Cannavaro, gifted Shane Smeltz a goal before he got sent home, the French had a meltdown so Ribery didn't make the second round, and Rooney will probably end up living in a trailer when he gets back to England. The only player left from the ad is Cristiano Ronaldo, who is probably going to get knocked out by Spain tomorrow morning... All Blacks? Meh... after the FIFA World Cup is all done it'll be like a two month wait till the FIBA Basketball World Champs starts, Awesome... yeah I was into her but I'm fully watevas going to get all of Quentin Tarantinos films on DVD, I just got Kill Bill 1 and 2...

Anyways im going to have a shower and a shave, which is kinda gutting coz my beard was developing quite sweetingly. Thank you for reading this if you read it all, I truly appreciate it.

Stay Black




Saturday, June 26, 2010

this is probably the awesomest thing I've seen in a while

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So I’ve been kinda puttin off writing this first thing because I didn’t want it to be wack pretty much. Not like I was expecting a masterpiece or nothing, but you gotta open strong ya know. And then i just thought stuff it haha.

Heres my thoughts on stuff that I know not really that much about... enjoy

NBA FINALS 2010... Lakers Vs Celtics

Today the Lakers won game 6 to force a do-or-die game seven so on Friday this this series will come to an end and either the Lakers get their 13th banner or the Celtics get number 18. Now even though i call them green pricks and smile when they fail, i wouldn’t actually be that mad if the Celtics won. They are a really good team specifically built to win chips, who play the game in a really effecient and disciplined way, and have Ubuntu in truckloads (google ubuntu some time). Fully congrats to Jesus, Truth and Mr ANYTHING-IS-POSSIBLE. But i really would rather see Kobe get his revenge.

Because if Kobe Can get that fifth ring, than the entire hoops universe can no longer deny what has been pretty obvious for a very long time (or at least since a special trip to Canada). That Kobe is top 10 all time. Put aside the deameanor that seems to rub people the wrong way, the perceived arrogance or what may have happened in that hotel in Colorado and just appreciate the game (never gonna happen i know, but please try). Okay M. J is the G.O.A.T, of that their is no doubt, at this stage his legacy is Pele or Ali like and there is basically nothing that anyone can do to shake his hold on the top spot. But if Kobe gets a fifth ring than he goes a step up the ladder and a little bit closer to the god of the game. And at his age of 32 he, would than still have time to go on and match Michaels 6 rings and even go on and than, and this is truly a pipe dream and just me imagining crazy things, get a seventh.

Just the thought of someone being crazy enough to threaten Mikes strangle hold on GOAT status is exciting. Way more exciting, way more historic, way more epic than another green banner in a training room full of green banners. Boring. By wanting a celtics win you aspire to averageness, you don’t want the boat to be rocked and your happy for things to go unchallenged. Screw that dude, a Lakers win changes everything, and yet also continues the great battle between the greens and the purple -n-golds.

i was gonna write more but its 130 in the morning, so peace out and thanks reading what i have to say...

stay black, peace and love ,

Razilla Tha Beast